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Praying Scripture at Work

A day at work rarely does not involve a difficult decision, a challenging discussion, or a perplexing problem.

You may be deciding whether or not someone’s employment needs to be terminated, preparing for a debate about the pros and cons of a significant change, or figuring out how to conduct your business during a pandemic. Your decision may not always be an urgent or crucial one, but could be a minor frustration of a delayed delivery, an unkind remark (again), or an unhappy customer. If you look back at your past week, did you have to deal with any of the above scenarios?

As Christian women in the workplace, we desire to honor God and bless others in what we say and how we say it, in addition to how we act and react. This includes how we make decisions, treat others, and conduct our business.

Every objective we have and every goal we set needs to be based on the Word of God and prayed about. In this way, we are praying scripture at work.

One of the most well-known scriptures that reflects this commitment is Matthew 22: 37-39 –

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. (NIV)

What would your week be like if you started every day with this prayer?

Consider praying these words of Jesus as you begin your day. This will give you a focus on Him and is a beautiful scripture to remember to pray during the day. In this way, you can stay faithfully grounded in your intent and outlook for every situation.

Consider that Jesus is telling us to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. Therefore, we will want to do the right thing in God’s eyes, such as spending time in prayer and in His Word to learn about what the right thing is! There is a biblical principle which applies to every situation we deal with in the workplace, so this is the scripture we will need to pray at work.

Consider Jesus is telling us to love our neighbor (which includes the people we work with and serve at work) as ourselves. What would our workday look like if we always treated people the way we would like to be treated? I cannot help but believe that we would be better listeners, better communicators, and more in control of our emotions.

In this coming week at work, consider a situation you need to deal with that will be somewhat tricky. Decide to do the following three things:

  1. Pray Matthew 22: 37-39 over this particular situation.

  2. Read God’s Word and determine at least one Bible verse which applies to this situation. Pray that scripture over the situation. A lot!

  3. Thank God that you can trust Him for His loving faithfulness as He leads you.

May God richly bless you as you pray scripture into your work day every day.

Have a wonderful week!

Bonny, Christian Women at Work

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